Saturday, December 12, 2009

Volvo in Australia

Honey B Ranch and Multi Farming Systems in Banana Queensland, Australia, have recently developed a dam and water pumping station on a creek which passes thru their property. Each pump can harvest in the region of 100 megalitres per day. When the dam is full of water it will cover 150 acres and hold 2200 megalitres.

There is enough water each time the creek floods to fill the dam, which is not often, but as the water subsides so quickly the need to harvest the water is therefore critical, so 4 pump sets were installed, all powered by Volvo Penta TAD941VE Power Pac units.

A very sophisticated monitoring system has been installed so all engines can be both locally and remotely started and stopped. The system can automatically self regulate the engines depending on the amount of water flow available and can also then keep the engine hours similar on each unit by starting and stopping each unit independently.

Property owner said that they appreciated the opportunity to construct the dam, so that they can capture the precious water to grow decent crops, including cotton, in the future. With most of Australia water running out to sea, it is imperative that you can dam as much water as possible so the nation can be feed with water.

Gladstone Marine, a local dealer to Volvo Penta Oceania, were heavily involved with the commissioning and now ongoing service and maintenance of the pump sets.